Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Classy Caps Fans Aren't That Big on Jeff Carter

I'm sure not all of the Washington Capitals fans are classless idiots. But each and every team has their fair share. A handful of Canadien fans last night showed that even our friendly neighbors from the north have a few that get out of hand after they themselves have had a few. And in DC tonight following Joffrey Lupul's series winning overtime goal the hometown fans were somewhat discontent. Looking to channel this discontent into something positive, they littered their home ice with trash and beer bottles. Apparently they aren't big Earth Day fans.

During a post-game interview Philadelphia Flyer Jeff Carter became the target of one of these upright citizens. I'm sure someone else will get a decent copy of the video up, but for now all I've got for you is this. A masterpiece shot from my Treo camcorder and uploaded to the very sketchy Blogger video. [alright, YouTube should be a little better.] [Someone got up a better version, not only with audio, but with a nice zoom on the classy gentleman]

Often I say no one hates the Flyers more than myself. I've personally sat in the Wachovia Center and received the verbal barbs of the Philadelphia faithful. But it guess it's apparent that while no one wants to see the Flyers lose as much as myself, there are plenty of idiots out there that harbor ill will that I simply can't match.

Everything being said, and assuming that this guy was at least somewhat sauced, you have to admit it's a pretty impressive shot. If the Wizards could shoot like that they probably wouldn't be down two games to nil in the first round of the NBA playoffs.


  1. It's funny because the great Washington Post calls out the Philadelphia fans behavior and then you get this from the Caps? Philly fans gets a bad rap, are they tough - yes - stupid, no. I have never seen Philadelphia fans act like that. Grow up Washington.

  2. It's funny because the great Washington Post calls out the Philadelphia fans behavior and then you get this from the Caps? Philly fans get a bad rap, are they tough - yes - stupid, no. I have never seen Philadelphia fans act like that. Grow up Washington.

  3. In Washington's defense...there should not have been an OT, the refs blew the call on the Goalie Interference on the Kapanen goal, and the NHL had to rush online during the game and site a fake reason why it was not a penalty when I have seen them make that same call all year. If anyone should have been beaned by that bottle, it should have been the officials.

  4. It isn't a penalty when Huet's own team mate runs into him. Thoreson made a legal body check. Morrison should have been more aware of his surroundings. Why the hell was he rushing towards his goalie at full speed? The Caps made a lot of mental mistakes including blatantly tripping someone in OT of game 7 and giving one of the best power play teams in the league a better chance to win. All in all it was a great series and it could have gone either way..but it just happened to go to the team that deserved it more.

  5. You are just as guilty as Mike Wise. You make the comment that your sure not all Caps fans are classless idiots and then turn around and lump all Flyers fans into one category "I've personally sat in the Wachovia Center and received the verbal barbs of the Philadelphia faithful." That is dead wrong, the faithful Flyers Fan such as myself do no such thing.

  6. Sorry, but Flyers fans ARE the most intimidating fans in the NHL. We aren't ass holes and we aren't disrespectful, rude, and ultimately stupid to do something like THROW anything at an opposing player. Flyers fans respect the players. What we do do is we harass the opposing teams fans, i am guilty of that, but let me ask you, what do you expect when you come into a passionate place where we support our team and HATE when others come to our turf. Why do you think we were named the most intimidating fans in the league? It is not because we are rude to players, it is because we care about our hockey team and because we want to win. Yes, i am sure this Washington fan was a little drunk but why can't he control himself? Flyers fans can. Washington just needs to understand what is right and wrong no matter how pissed you are that your team lost a game.
