Monday, December 10, 2007

Vick Sentenced to 23 Months

The word has come from a courthouse in Virginia, and a District Judge has sentenced Michael Vick to 23 months in jail. Early speculation put Vick's sentence time at around a year, but when his co-defendants, who appeared to be more forthcoming with prosecutors, received 18 and 21 months, it became clear that the Judge was sentencing on the higher end of the range.

Vick, who was found guilty of federal dog fight charges, elected to start serving his sentence early, voluntarily surrendering on the 19th of November. Apparently he's not a big fan of Thanksgiving.

It seems as if Vick didn't do himself any favors during the legal process. It definitely factors into the sentencing when you lie about using drugs and then test positive, or claim to have never actually killed a dog, only to have his co-defendants and partners testify otherwise.

On the steps of the courthouse Vick's representative Billy Martin suggests that Vick could get out early, around 18 months, for good behavior. But if the past is any representative for the future, I imagine Vick will serve every day of the sentence.

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