Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Tuesday Morning Headlines: 12/04/07

- Yankees self imposed deadline on Johan Santana deal passes. Something tells me Hank Steinbrenner is a pain to play fantasy sports with.

- It came down to the wire, but the Patriots remain perfect, defeating the Ravens on a last minute touchdown drive.

- Baseball Hall of Fame announced this years inductees from the executives/pioneers category. Barney Dreyfuss Pittsburgh Pirates owner from 1900-1932 and creator of the World Series finally got in.

- You have to respect the good people of Brooklyn that can hold a grudge for over 50 years.

- Pittsburgh Penguins beat the Phoenix Coyotes 3-1

- 76ers are firing GM Billy King and pillaging NJ Nets GM Ed Stefanski.

- Riley Cote becomes the 5th Philadelphia Flyers player suspended this season. Gary Bettman sits them down and explains that they can't act like this, Santa is watching after all.

- The Dolphins lost again. Sure it's yesterday's news, but the Sun Sentinel has the greatest headline of the day "Dolphins Start to Question Team's Effort". And in the World News section "Pakistanis Begin To Suspect Perez Musharraf Is Not Really All That Nice".

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