Tuesday, November 13, 2007

EFotG Wakes Up, Yawns, And Grabs A Cup Of Coffee

It's been a week of technical difficulty imposed silence at EFotG. The power chord to my laptop broke, pretty much rendering me useless. It's the 3rd one in as many years, I really don't know what I'm doing to break these things. Though I suppose I couldn't have picked a better time to go silent, with the Penguins dropping their last 5 games. And other than that, not too much went down last week. Or at least not that much that I heard of, but being without access to the internet meant that I wasn't exactly in the know.

But I did find out one unholy nugget of truth last week, the Philadelphia Marathon had reached it's maximum number of runners and I couldn't get in. So I suppose it turns out there's more than a few good reasons to start preparing for a marathon earlier than a month before it starts. I'm looking at a few other smaller marathons I could run sometime this winter, and if my time is under 5 hours I could get into the National Marathon in DC this spring. But at the same time I also remember that I'm kinda lazy, and I don't know if I'm up for running one marathon just so I can qualify for another. Maybe I'll just wait to next year's Philadelphia Marathon.

Also the St. Louis Rams run at the perfect season (0-16) came to an end Sunday with a win over the Saints. Thankfully the Miami Dolphins run is still alive, thanks to a late comeback by the Bills. With 7 games remaining the Dolphins will face 4 opponents with under .500 records, including the 1-8 New York Jets on December 2nd.

And with that I think I'll go sort through the hundreds of unread articles on my Google Reader and try to get caught up.

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