Thursday, October 25, 2007

World Series Game Two Game Blog

Thats all she wrote, it only took a couple runs, but the Red Sox are going to head into Colorado on Saturday with a commanding 2-0 lead. We'll see if the Rockies can get things going at home. The games Saturday at 8, and we'll be there with a live game blog.

9th Inning

- Well the 9th is here, and despite limiting the Red Sox to only two runs, the Colorado Rockies are still 3 outs away from being down in this series 2-0.

- Helton strikes out swinging, and things are looking bleak with Papelbon pitching so well on the mound.

Adkins flies to center. One out away.

8th Inning

- Well Jonathon Papelbon is heading in, but that's about it. Nothing happening.

I hate how in commercials and movies and whatnot, when someone get's peanuts, the guy just throws them at them. What games are they going to where you don't have to pay like $4 for peanuts?

- I must admit, I'm tough on signs and whatnot, but that dancing Papelbon was actually entirely awesome. That took some creativity, not just to come up with it, but how do you even make that?

- Oh snap! PICK-OFF! Holliday has had a great game (4 for 4), but thats just embarrassing. What's he doing out there?

- Wow. Crazy stuff happening. Lugo just ran into his own fair bunt, and is ruled out. Holliday is feeling alot better about himself now.

- Man, that preppy white guy that plays tennis and pays with cash is ruining everything for those Saints fans.

- Papelbon wraps towels around his money-maker. Insert your own crude joke here.

7th Inning
- Well it's a one-run game, this is where the men are separated from the boys. But Jordan Tracy separates the men from the werewolves.

- Oh man, Boyz 2 Men. Seriously, I didn't know they were coming up when I pulled the whole werewolf joke.

6th Inning

- Good Morning, that ump just got jacked in the mask by that pitch. I wonder how he feels about Schillings loss of velocity.

- Okay, the first time they played the Taco Bell conversation is the dugout, I laughed. Some didn't, be I did. But again with it? And than an interview with the Taco Bell CEO in the stands?

- Looks like Schilling is done. One out and two on-base. Depending on how long this series is, that might be it for Schilling. He says he wants to pitch in '08, but it may not be for the Sox.

Hideki Okajima comes in relief.

- This has nothing to do with the game, but they just mentioned the NFL game in London a second ago. And if you haven't seen this huge Jason Taylor robot, then you are missing out. Scary stuff.

- I will never get chili on my Nacho Bellgrande. Just out of spite.

- Youkilis and Hedge really had a battle going on out there. 10 pitch walk. I thought he had been pitching well, but it looks like Colorado is bringing someone else in.

- Fuentes gets the Rocks out of another jam. Somehow they are still completely in this game. They'll only allowed 4 hits, but as a team they have allowed 7 bases on balls and 1 hit by pitch.

5th Inning
- That was quite a stretch by Helton at first. Fielders are certainly giving Jimenez a chance. The game is still close, and we are getting to the point were both teams might start thinking about the bullpen

- Sox finally took advantage of Jimenez and are now up 2-1. And it looks like the Rockies have seen enough, they are going to the bullpen. They have been barely surviving this game, and with runners on 2nd and 3rd with 2 outs, if they can get out of this only down one, they'll be lucky.

-Jeremy Affeldt's coming into the game. I actually saw this guy pitch when he was in single A years ago. Which, yes I know, is incredibly interesting.

- Hello, goodbye. Affeldt is out after a walk that loads the bases.

- Herges gets the Rockies out of a jam, and I'm left wondering how the Rockies are still in this game.

Hold on. Was that pass interference on the eBay commercial?

4th Inning
- Colorado didn't take advantage of Holliday leading off the 4th with a single. Now we'll see how Jimenez does here in the fourth, he must feel like he just got off the mound. He needs to settle down and find his control , I've got a bad feeling.

- Wait ... did I hear that right? Later in the game they are going to show a preview for this season of 24 from a huge blimp above the stadium. Man, I love America.

-Sac fly by Varitek scored Lowell from 3rd. Tie game. Sox only have one hit tonight, but Jimenez has put 5 on first himself.

- TACO!!! TACO!!! Thank Jacoby Ellsbury for your free taco on Oct 30th.

- Boston tied it up, but it could have been much worse out there. Here comes the fifth, I'm still waiting for someone to really open this game up.

3rd Inning

- Geesh, they are really bumming everyone out there in the booth this inning. Talking about a young intern who was tragically killed this past weekend right after commenting on the wildfires that are ravishing southern California. It's probably a marketing ploy. Who wants to bet there's a Zoloft commercial next break.

- Both pitchers are looking great out there. Doesn't look like we'll be seeing 14 runs tonight.

- They really are a downer in the booth tonight. Now they mention this.

- NO! We almost got the taco there, save for a foul and then a walk. Jimenez control might start to become a factor.

- Ortiz almost made Jimenez pay for two walks, with a home run ball that veered just foul. Somehow he got through that, and somehow I got through the 3rd without them bringing up my childhood goldfish's death.

2nd Inning

- Jimenez is throwing hard, and it looks like that top-notch Rockies defense is back again.

- Oh that has got to hurt. JD Drew is feeling that one. It hurts just watching it.

- This just in: Jason Varitek listens to the Dave Matthews band. What a tool. He probably calls him "Dave" too. Rule to live by, if you haven't had a face-to-face conversation with someone, don't call them by their first name.

1st Inning
- Well I'm not sure if that ball actually hit Taveras, but when the lead-off runner gets on first, he scores about 30% of the time. And ... ah, scoring is important.

- OH MAN!!! I almost got my taco!

- Colorado up 1-0. See I told you 30%.

[Why not switch it up and put updates on top. That might be easier then scrolling all the way to the end of the post, especially as the game goes on]

- Boston go down in order. I think thats the first time of the series. (Check that, they did in the 8th last night)


- Game Two doesn't start for a few hours, but I figured I'd get the preview up early, that way everyone can get in any pregame predictions or commentary they'd like to make.

Curt Schilling will take the mound tonight for the Red Sox. He's 2-0 postseason with a 3.38 ERA. He had a no-decision in Game Two of the ALCS against the Indians, where he allowed 9 hits and 5 earned runs through 4.2 innings. He has some World Series commentary over at his blog, 38 Pitches.

23 year old Ubaldo Jimenez will see if he's up the task of facing the Boston bats tonight. He's started 2 games this postseason, with 2 no-decisions and a 1.59 ERA.

I'm looking for the Rockies to bounce back tonight (although really, how much worse could they do?). I don't know if that's gonna spell a win for them, but I'm rooting for them to at least make a series out of it. This may be more wishful thinking than anything else, but I'm saying the Rockies win tonight, 7-4.

What do you guys think. Leave some predictions in the comments.

- The Tivo is gonna be hard at work tonight. Of course I'll be watching Game two, along with tonight's Pittsburgh Penguins game (thank God for split screen). And on top of that tonight is 30 Rock, The Office, and the Scrubs premiere. Perhaps I watch too much television.

- Am I the only person who gets upset when they show a little kid in attendance of a playoff game? Don't get me wrong, I think it's important to market the game to future generations, but when they are so young that they can't appreciate it, should they really be filling a seat?

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