Wednesday, October 24, 2007

World Series Game One Game Blog

- Coverage on Fox just started, with an incredibly bad overly sentimental opening. I think at one point they mentioned Odysseus. Really? But the first pitch won't be thrown until 8:35, so unless you're willing to sit through 35 minutes of color analysts telling you how much you don't know about the Colorado Rockies, or how devoted the "Red Sox Nation" is, then I suggest you find something else for a while. The episode of M*A*S*H where Klinger finds out his ex-wife is getting remarried so he reenlists is playing on TV Land.

- Alright, now we are about ten minutes until the opening pitch. And so it's probably time for predictions and whatnot. What do I think? It's probably going to be tough for the Rockies with the layoff and the Sox's having home field advantage. However, going along with my belief that the Rockies will never lose another game again, I'm picking them for the sweep. It might be unlikely, but it would probably go down as one of the greatest stories in baseball ever.

Oh yeah, plus I can't stand the Red Sox, who, if you haven't been paying attention, are the new Yankees.

First Inning
- Finally the first pitch. Here we go. And how about that World Series logo on the side of the hats. Are they big enough?

- Well Becket struck out the top of the first. You know what, this guys might be kinda good.

- Pedroia just got over the green for a lead off home run. Things aren't starting well for Colorado. Youkilis scored after doubling. Manny Ramirez scored on a JD Drew double. Jeff Francis is struggling out there right now. He needs to find the third out and get to the dugout.

- Francis got out alive. I don't understand that guy from the iPhone commercial. He couldn't remember the other peoples name, but he remembered their wedding website address. Wouldn't their name be somewhere in that address?

2nd Inning
- After another K, someone finally put the ball into play against Beckett. Thanks to a couple hits off the wall the Rockies are on the board.

Is it just me, or did someone pay probably hundreds of dollars for a seat right behind home plate in the World Series and the camera is completely blocking his view. I keep seeing him ducking left and right like he sat behind the tall guy at the movie theater.

- Another run, Youkiliz scoring from first. It's really coming down out there. Makes me glad to be sitting in the comfort of my own sofa.

3rd Inning
- Still no stolen base. I'm looking to score a free taco.

- Nothing much happening. The rain has picked up. I'd be surprised if we don't have a break in the action.

4th Inning
-Beckett's on quite the pace. He just picked up K #7. The World Series record is Bob Gibson with 17 in 1968.

- Allegedly the rain is supposed to died down, but's radar seems to disagree. Jeff Francis isn't looking great out there. Manny was not being Manny out there, he actually ran out a hit.

- The Red Sox nation may have just cost their team some runs interfering with the shot down the 3rd base line. What do you guys think?

- Well the Sox put another 2 on the board. 6-1, Boston. Looks like Francis might be done.

5th Inning
- This just in, taking Abilify increases your risks of death. I mean, I've heard increased chances of heart failure or stroke. But just death? You are more likely to be hit by a car or choke on a hot dog if you are taking Abilify? Commercials are so weird sometimes.

- Well the Rockies stranded some runners. And as an update, still no stolen base, thus no taco. This is important, because I am very poor and could really use a free meal on the 30th (between 2pm and 5pm).

- Morales takes the mound for the Rockies. That was a gutsy play going to second for the lead runner on the grounder. Just like I used to do it. Well except I was either in deep outfield or the bench. But sometimes they let me coach 3rd base. Either way, that's how I would have done it.

- BALK! For some reason I love Balks. According to the MLB rulebook, the stipulations for a balk are like doing taxes (Rule 8.05). Basically at any time, on any play, somewhere a balk could be called.

- "Manny is the next American Idol". Lord, I hate stupid signs. Obviously this guy is pandering so that Fox will put him on. And Fox is definitely going to put him on, because they just love whoring out their shows.

- 9-1. Um... it's getting ugly out there guys.

- I hope you aren't using a scorecard folks, because the Red Sox are just about to hit around. I'm not sure if anyone still uses scorecards, but I know I hate it when I'm doing one and a team hits around.

- Yeah, we are still in the 5th guys. And the Sox just made it double digits. Oh you New England teams, always running up the score.

- 14 Red Sox batters have come to the plate thus far this inning, which I think started about an hour or so ago (or maybe it just feels that way). As for what it will take for the Rockies to get over this, hell, first they need to get through it. Throw strikes, make them beat you. This is no time to get cute.

- Hey, some school house rock. I can dig that.

6th Inning
- Well we finally got out of the 5th, and right away we are back to the bottom of the inning. At this point I think the Rockies are using the rope-a-dope technique, just let the Sox hitters tire them-self out.

- Thats what we were missing, Dane Cooke. Which brings up the thought that perhaps if Frank TV ads were playing every commercial break, the Colorado bats would be hitting.

- Hah. Seems like the Boston dugout is as concerned about this whole Taco situation as I am. "You could just go to every Taco Bell in the world and say 'I haven't gotten my free taco yet. Where's my taco?'."

- Since nothing much is really happening, let me return to Frank TV. See, impersonations are not actually funny by themselves. You can do a good impersonation, and if you are not doing something else that is comical, then it's really just not funny. Impersonations are just a comedic tool.

However, hits to the crotch (when happening to someone else, that is) are actually completely hilarious all by themself.

7th Inning
- Another runner stranded on third by Rockies. And we've reached the 7th inning stretch. I know for me it means heating up a cup of coffee. I'm almost out of it by now, I ran 5 miles in the rain earlier this evening training for the whole Philadelphia Marathon thing.

- Speaking of the marathon deal, go vote on that poll in the left column.

8th Inning
- Mike Timlin in for the Red Sox. Still no taco. Sleepy

9th Inning
- The sooner this game is over, the better for the Rockies. They've had a rough awakening after a layoff, but tomorrow is another game. Beckett is an amazing pitcher.

I've gotta think that the Rockies would be happy leaving Boston splitting the first two games heading to Colorado for game 3, 4, and 5.

- Well that does it for me, but we'll be back tomorrow night. Until then Colorado fans, don't fret and whatever you do, don't stop believing.


  1. Bob Gibson's record is not in trouble, but Josh has the shiz working tonight.

    I'm a little surprised the Sox came out so strong, so early, as I expected them to still be hungover!

  2. While my common sense says you are probably right, and Gibson's record is safe, I know from watching enough ESPN that when someone makes a completely valid point, it is then my responsibility to take the complete opposite side.

    Thats why I say Beckett will in fact strike out the Rockies for remainder of the game. This is a fact.

  3. I do not doubt JB's ABILITY to do so tonight, but the truer fact here is that Francona will not leave him in long enough to do so, because this is game 1, not game 4 or 5...

  4. Alright, this is about as over as it can get before the last out...

    ... so what do the Rockies have to do to recover from this and get it together?
