Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Save Your Eyes, Use Your Ears

Now I know what you are saying, "Justin, I love the insightful commentary, razor sharp wit, and clever angle of Every Facet of the Game, but there is only one problem. I can not read." Well fear not my young illiterate friend, I feel for your pain of being overlooked by an inefficient public school system, and that is why I created the Every Facet of the Game Podcast. Yes, that's right. It's just like reading, except you don't need to read (also, you'll have to listen to me. sorry.) All you have to do is press play.

So I just finished with last nights post, which can be heard here. I'm not exactly sure what I'm doing here, but I figured I'd give it a go. We'll see how it works out.

In*fat"i*ga*bly. Note to self, if you can't spell it, you probably can't say it either.

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