Monday, October 22, 2007

Comprehensive List of MLB Players Linked With Performancing Enhancing Drugs

Carlos Almanzar - Violated MLB's Performance Enhancing Drugs Policy
Rick Ankiel - Received shipments of HGH in 2004
David Bell - Received shipments of Steroids April 2006
Rafael Betancourt - Violated MLB's Performance Enhancing Drugs Policy
Barry Bonds - Testified to federal grand jury of unknowingly using steroids
Paul Bryd - Received shipments of HGH between 2002 and 2005
Jose Canseco - Admitted to Steroid use in tell-all book
Ryan Franklin - Violated MLB's Performance Enhancing Drugs Policy
Jason Giambi - Testified to federal grand jury of using steroids and HGH
Jay Gibbons - Recieved shipments of steroids and HGH between 2003 and 2005
Troy Glaus - Received shipments of steroids between 2003 and 2004
Jason Grimsley - Violated MLB's Performance Enhancing Drugs Policy
Jerry Hairston, Jr. - Received shipments of HGH in 2004
Felix Heredia - Violated MLB's Performance Enhancing Drugs Policy
Darren Holmes - Received shipments of HGH in 2003
Matt Lawton - Violated MLB's Performance Enhancing Drugs Policy
Gary Matthews, Jr. - Received shipments of HGH in 2004
Agustin Montero - Violated MLB's Performance Enhancing Drugs Policy
Mike Morse - Violated MLB's Performance Enhancing Drugs Policy
Guillermo Mota - Violated MLB's Performance Enhancing Drugs Policy
Rafael Palmeiro - Violated MLB's Performance Enhancing Drugs Policy
Neifi Perez - Twice suspended for Violating MLB's Performance Enhancing Drugs Policy
Jorge Piedra - Violated MLB's Performance Enchancing Drugs Policy
Juan Rincon - Violated MLB's Performance Enhancing Drugs Policy
John Rocker - Received shipments of HGH in 2003
Juan Salas - Violated MLB's Performance Enhancing Drugs Policy
Alex Sanchez - Violated MLB's Performance Enhancing Drugs Policy
Scott Schoeneweis - Received shipments of steroids between 2003 and 2004
Gary Sheffield - Testified to federal grand jury of unknowingly using a steroid cream
Jamal Strong - Violated MLB's Performance Enhancing Drugs Policy

if I've left any out, feel free to leave them in the comments with a source

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