Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Acceptance Speach

See, in life there is always something to get excited about. Alright, yeah, the World Series kinda sucked. And come to think of it, How I Met Your Mother wasn't that great last night either. But that's okay, because there is still tons of stuff going down. Like, for say, the Barry Melrose Rocks weekly comments contest, where yours truly picked up the coveted Golden Mullet. It is an award I humbly accept with much honor, and is, for those keeping track at home, my second point (I picked up the assist a couple weeks back). Surely now my parents are proud of me, and no longer think I'm wasting my life writing about the newest athlete to be linked to performance enhancing drugs, or who the next coach of the Thrashers might be.

But now I'm off to go run 15 miles, thus proving myself as the superior athletic being that I imagine myself to be, and with any hope I'll recover in time to catch the Penguins against the Wild tonight.

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